Hi everyone. I know its been a long time since I last posted on here. I am so sorry! We have been super busy with the holidays and other things. So we have so many things to update you all on. Thanksgiving and Christmas went great! We had a blast. We had an "elf on the shelf" visit for the whole month of December. Kohlton decided to call the elf "Oven". His reasoning was he didn't want Santa to forget what he wanted for Christmas. If he named the elf "Oven", Santa would remember to bring him a kitchen with an oven. Ha ha. So cute! Both boys enjoyed finding Oven the elf every morning. Oven the elf, got in tons of mischief. It was all fun though! I'm sure Santa will bring him back next year. The boys are already asking for him. New Years went great as well. We had a bunch of anniversaries in January. January 3rd was his year anniversary of being admitted. January 6th was one year of being diagnosed with LCH. January 9th was one year of his first chemo treatment. All these dates made me so emotional. I look back and replay everything we have gone through. All I can think is oh my goodness, I can't believe how far our little man and family have come. It has been trying in every aspect but we HAVE made it through! Kohlton's last treatment was January 10th. We are so very excited! That weekend we had signs up with his picture on them announcing "no mo chemo" throughout Pace. A ton of people went and took pictures beside his signs with their thumbs up. This will make a perfect scrap book of how many people that had prayed for him. He is going to love it! He has scans in a week or two to determine the maintenance plan he will be on. We will find out the results and details on the maintenance plan in February. I am in total disbelief! I know God has healed our baby, I knew it was going to happen, but it just seemed like it was so far away. I am so relieved and so very happy. We all are! We will have more details about Kohltons maintenance plan mid February. I will try to post as soon as we find out. Thank you all for all your prayers! We will be having a "No Mo Chemo" Party for Kohlton February 24th at 2pm, at Living Truth Church. If you would like to join us, feel free! Please just rsvp to Kara. You can do that through email. My email address is KaraDJames@gmail.com
Thank you all again! We are so very blessed!! We couldn't have made it through this without each and everyone of you! Thank you all so very much! Please continue the prayers. Kohlton is done with chemo but he will have to stay in remission for five years to be considered "Cancer Free". Please pray that his LCH NEVER comes out of remission! Thank you everyone!
I will try to post pictures soon!