Tommy and I haven't wanted to really talk about this but we need some prayers. We are really emotional right now so please give us till around april 1st before calling us to check on us. We can handle text messages and facebook messages just actually talking is what gets us. So here's what we have been worrying about.....
Ok, Kohlton has had this rash on his face for alittle over a month now. His last oncology appt, Dr. Parmley had mentioned that the rash needed to go away ASAP. He did menton that it could be the LCH coming back just in a different form but let me know not to worry about that, it was a small chance. Well, I have been trying to get it to go away. It won't! I took him to our pediatricians fill in, cause the wonderful Dr. G is on vacation, we miss Dr G. The fill in walked right in and said "Who got Histio X?" I said "he did but he's in remission now". His response was, "No that's histio". Long story short, after questioning him a bit he asked, "did I scare you enough?" I wanted to punch him! Really dude? Did you scare me enough? Could my tears streaming down my face answer that for you? Come on man, where is your bedside manner at? Did you just wake up one morning and decide to no longer use it? Ok, enough about that. I'm starting to get upset. So Kohlton goes to the oncologist thursday the 28th to figure out whats really going on. Only the oncologist can tell us for sure if the LCH is back. I have been researching LCH of the skin and realized something else. Here's what it is........
Kason has had a really bad diaper rash for about a month and a half. Nothing will get rid of it. It is not yeast, strep, staph, its simply an irration on his behind, that's what I thought. I even went to cloth diapers. Well, while looking up the LCH of the skin the most common type of LCH on the skin, is a diaper rash that wont go away. Some of the pictures don't look anything like it but then others look identical. So, after seeing that I looked up siblings having it. There are so many studies showing it can be genetic and that there are so many families with multiple children having it. One family has four children, all four with LCH! What the heck?!!??!!???! So I will have a ton of questions for Dr. parmley when we see him on Thursday. Once I know more I will try to keep you all updated as soon as I find out. Please pray for our boys! Please pray that Kohlton is still healed and that Kason does not get it! Please pray for both our boys, that they are 100% healthy and that we get some answers! Thank you everyone! We so appreciate all the support and help! We are going to go and try to spend some time at the beach so off we go! Thank you!