Sunday, January 3, 2016

A long road and so much more.

I have to apologize for not keeping this page going. I will try my best to keep it updated. I recently had someone contact me wanting info for their daughter. How selfish of I to not keep this going?!  This was a page to update everyone on Kohlton but to also get awareness out there about LCH. I am so sorry for not keeping that going. 
Kohlton has been doing ok. He was on a maintenance chemotherapy, methotrexate but it was making his liver upset. He recently started Hydroxyurea. So far everything seems to be going ok on it. We are having blood work every week to keep a close eye on it.  We will be there Tuesday for update blood work. We hope everyone had a Merry Christmad and a happy new year.  I will see where I last updated and try to update from then. Thank you all!  Please keep the prayers coming for our sweet boy!  We appreciate you all!!