Wednesday, November 27, 2013

On to MD Anderson/Texas Children's Hospital

We will be sending all the info over to get in with one of the top specialist in the U.S.  We were trying to get into a different facility but they won't be doing treatments for another 3-4 months. With that being said the doctor there did call to let me know about a few things. Kohlton does has a reoccurrence with LCH which is in a few places. The LCH is on his skin, in his pituitary gland, and (this is new to us) in his central nervous system.  We will be trying to get in with Dr. McClain in Houston, this route is going to be more on us financially but we will get thru it, The other facility was going to cover everything. Some other things the doctor told me was to demand a pet scan, to demand the endocrinologist keep track of every part of the pituitary gland (not just the diabetes insipidus), and that reoccurrence chance is more like the 60-70%. This was not the news we wanted but we will get through all of this!  Please pray that Kohlton gets in ASAP to Texas  Children's Hospital and we get more info. We will be listing our house in jan/feb and moving back into our rental house so that we will have less on our plate.  This will for sure be a challenge considering it is 1200 sq feet but our family is what's important not the house.  Thank you everyone for all your prayers. Please keep them coming!  We need them!!
Here's a picture tommy got last night. The boys have their own beds but when tommy went to check up on them this is how he found them. They are such blessing!  So thankful for every minute I have with these boys!  

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