Sunday, August 11, 2013

Today was great but now Nerves are a wreck!!

Kohlton woke up this morning to birthday presents that had come in the mail for him. He was super excited!  We then went to his bday party at the ridge theatre in pace. He got to play the games with some of his friends, eat, and watch the movie Planes. He loved every bit of it. He even had the pace patriot fire department come on their fire truck to wish him a happy birthday. Such great people!!  Then we went to pick Kason up and he got to play in uncle Vic's tree house. He could have stayed there forever. Kason got to swim with daddy.  They both had so much fun. After that we came home put his power wheels together. Grandpa came to visit and brought him a present.  We finished the day off with dinner at carrabbas. Amazing day!  We are home all cleaned up and now all I can think about is what's going to happen tomorrow........

It sounds crazy to say my nerves are a wreck when it's my baby boy that is going through all of this. My nerves are a wreck though.  And then I think how selfish!  Kohltons the one who has to get poked and pricked by needles and have IVs of chemo. I'm gonna try to get some sleep tonight and pray that everything goes smooth and that Kohlton has zero side effects!!  My poor baby is soooo super strong!!  Please keep Kohlton and all of us in your prayers!  Thank you all so much!!
His amazing cake from momma bakes cakes!  It was amazing!!
Kohlton, Brody man, and Braybray all watching the movie. 
Kohlton and bubba playing around in his new truck. Sweet babies!!  I love them both soooo much!!
A bunch of planes from aunt kristie, uncle joe, kayden, Josiah, and karisa. 

Thank you everyone for spoiling our little man today!  He loves everyone of his toys. Thank you!!

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