Tuesday, January 24, 2012

KOHLTON'S OK, we had our first E.R. visit.......

At about 230ish, we had our first big scare since Kohlton started chemo.  Tommy heated some food up, and made Kohlton a hot dog, with some chips, and his juice cup, and I was making an egg sandwich for myself.  Kohlton looked at me grabbed his head and said “Momma hurt”.  I looked at him and there was blood all over the floor.  It looked as if it were just pouring out of his incision, where one of the biopsies were done.  Tommy grabbed something to put pressure on his head while I grabbed a towel, honestly I can’t even remember how it all went.  All I remember is running with Kohlton to the car and Tommy chasing me with the keys.  I headed to Sacred Heart while Tommy stayed here with Kason and called a friend to ride with me so that I could put pressure on Kohlton’s head.  I ended up driving straight to Sacred.  Let me just tell you, if you see someone with their emergency lights on honking at you….MOVE THE CRAP OUT OF THE WAY!!  Seriously, get off you flipping phone and move!  I could not even tell you how many people didn’t even notice or care to move.  As soon as I got to Sacred, they took Kohlton and I in a room by ourselves so that Kohlton would not be around sick people.  I think it was strictly for chemo patients or at least for people with low immune systems.  Kohlton’s Uncle Jur-rell showed up to help till Tommy could get there.  Tommy had to get Kason watched and get someone to cover his on-call shift at work.  Once we got to our room in the pediatric emergency room, the resident pediatrician came to talk to us.  She basically had no clue what she was talking about.  Jarrell and I had to keep correcting her.  (The place Kohlton hit was were the biopsy on his head was, they were able to remove the tumor there and Dr. Lewis, the pediatric surgeon said the tumor had eaten some of the skull.  She said the hole was about the size of a quarter.)  The resident in the ER was telling us that there is no hole and after we argued with her, she then told us she saw the scans and there is no hole.  So, in a polite way I told her the oncologist/surgeon must be wrong then.   She also said they were going to treat him like a regular kid meaning  just stitch it up and send him on his way, is how she put it.  She also looked at the cut, pressed on it and guess what, it started pouring out blood again.  Uncle Jur-rell stepped in at this point and made her do her job.  I was about to go off on her.  I was NOT going to let her touch my child again!  She acted as if it were nothing.   I think she started to panic.  She called the oncologist and surgeon, then came back to tell us about the x-rays ordered for him.  Finally, something was being done.  The x-rays were traumatic enough, I won’t even go in detail about those.  Dr. Wack, the real doctor, came in later to let us know that Kohlton’s scans were okay and that he was going to clean the wound and stitch it up.  Once cleaning it, we figured what happened was the glue from the biopsy must have gotten stuck on part of the kitchen table and the table ripped it off.  Awful! Needless to say our table will be gone soon.   They didn’t have to stitch it or anything but we have to keep an eye on it.  It started to clot and form a scab before we left.  It’s a tiny part of the incision that basically got yanked.  Tommy showed up a little before we left, Kohlton was so excited to see him!  With all that blood and a trip to the hospital, I am glad to be home.  Kohlton is acting as if nothing happened and is eating everything in sight still.  Both Tommy and my nerves are shot!  I’m sure I’ll be up all night checking on Kohlton.  Thanks for all the prayers and please keep them coming.

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